
Stander EZ Fold-N-Go Walker


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The EZ Fold & Go Walker from Stander is the world’s most lightweight and portable walker. It  weighs less than 8 lbs, but can support up to 400 lbs. It also folds 4x smaller than your average walker to quickly store in your car, shopping cart, the overhead compartment of an airplane, or discreetly by your side when not in use.

Unlike traditional walkers, the EZ Fold & Go can fit through narrow doorways. Its swivel wheels can navigate through tight spaces easily, making it ideal for indoor use at home, while shopping, or eating at restaurants. It can adjust to fit anyone from 4’10” to 6’8”. It also comes with an organizer pouch storing your personal items while on the go.

[av_iconlist position=’left’ iconlist_styling=” custom_title_size=” custom_content_size=” font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” color=’custom’ custom_bg=’#7bb0e7′ custom_font=” custom_border=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” admin_preview_bg=”]
[av_iconlist_item title=’Fits Through Tight Spaces and Narrow Door Frames’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue821′ font=’entypo-fontello’][/av_iconlist_item]
[av_iconlist_item title=’Easy Fold Frame’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue86a’ font=’entypo-fontello’][/av_iconlist_item]
[av_iconlist_item title=’Weighs just 7.5 lbs.’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue837′ font=’entypo-fontello’][/av_iconlist_item]
[av_iconlist_item title=’Height Adjustable’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue869′ font=’entypo-fontello’][/av_iconlist_item]
[av_iconlist_item title=’Additional Storage: Detachable 2-Pocket Pouch’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue85a’ font=’entypo-fontello’][/av_iconlist_item]
[av_iconlist_item title=’400 lb. Weight Capacity’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue8de’ font=’entypo-fontello’][/av_iconlist_item]
[av_iconlist_item title=’Free Shipping’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue801′ font=’fontello’][/av_iconlist_item]

The EZ Fold-N-Go Walker from Stander is the world’s most lightweight and portable walker. It weighs less than 8 lbs, but can support up to 400 lbs. It also folds 4x smaller than your average walker to quickly store in your car, shopping cart, the overhead compartment of an airplane, or discreetly by your side when not in use.

Unlike traditional walkers, the EZ Fold-N-Go Walker can fit through narrow doorways. Its swivel wheels can navigate through tight spaces easily, making it ideal for indoor use at home, while shopping, or eating at restaurants. It can adjust to fit anyone from 4’10” to 6’8”. It also comes with an organizer pouch storing your personal items while on the go.

BT ID: 4300-CB, 4300-RR, 4300-BW

Metro Walker


Black Walnut, Cobalt Blue, Regal Rose

User Weight

Less than 250 lbs., 251 – 300 lbs., 301-350 lbs., 351 – 400 lbs.


HCPCS: E1399


Weight 7.5 LBS
 Weight Capacity 400 LBS
 Collapsed Dimension 36” H X 5.25” W x 8” D
 Open Depth 21.5″
 Open Width 25.5″
 Open Handle Width 18″
 Height Adjustment 32” X 38.5” for users 4’ 10” to 6’8”
 Wheel Diameter 6″


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