May 4th, 2018 Bellevue Healthcare’s held its inaugural Next Step Mobility Expo in Bellevue, Washington. Next Step was created with the goal of providing educational and networking opportunities for the Rehab Specialist community of the Pacific Northwest.
This year’s event offered educational sessions with the opportunity to earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from Dan Fedor, Wade Lucas, Jane Fontein, and Patricia Toole. Attendees from Washington, Oregon, and Idaho mingled with exhibitors on two levels at the Bellevue Hilton.
2018 Exhibitors include Quantum Rehab, Inspired by Drive, Invacare, Golden Technologies, Ki Mobility, Us Rehab, MK Battery, Bodypoint, Ez-Access, Bath+, Kersey Mobility, Beds by George, Premium Healthcare Products, AlibiTrek, Seattle Adaptive Sports, and the Here and Now Project.
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We would like to say thank you again to our Founding Attendees, Speakers, Sponsors, and Exhibitors for making this such a memorable day.
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Get the inside scoop on Next Step 2019 and receive your Early-Bird Registration invitation!
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